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School Meals

Break Times
Children are encouraged to eat and drink at break times. All Key Stage 1 children are provided with either a fruit or vegetable snack at morning break time, so do not have to bring their own snack. Children in Key Stage 2 may bring their own snack to school. No nuts, sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or drinks with additives are allowed.

Lunchtime is an opportunity for children to relax over a good lunch. Children can have a packed lunch or a school meal, see choices below. Again no nuts,  sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or energy drinks are allowed.  We also ask children not to swap items in their pack lunches with friends, nor touch other children's lunches.

Our school meals are provided by Devon Norse. It is a three-week menu and offers two delicious hot main meal options every day – one of which is always vegetarian – as well as the additional school meal options of a filled jacket potato or packed lunch option. Please click on the document below for our latest menus: