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You will need to complete and submit a Devon Common Application Form.

Click here for details

There is a separate process for application to Payhembury Preschool. Please see below:


The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2021-22 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.

The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2022-23 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.