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Beech Class -Year 3 and 4



Class Teachers Monday – Wednesday Mrs Matchett, Thursday and Friday Mr Bladon 

Welcome to Beech we are a mixed age class of year 3 and 4 children. There are 28 of us altogether and we have a lot of fun together. Mrs Matchett and Mr Bladon are our class teachers and we are helped by Mrs Shaw, Mrs Thairs and Mrs Rainbow.  

This year we are really looking forward to learning all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age as well lots of other interesting facts like Women who changed the World. We have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday and in the summer term we even have an overnight camp.  

Overview of class week: 


Monday we are given our spellings for the week. We take our spelling book home so that we can practice with our parents and we practice these every day in school.  We are then tested on a Friday. We also walk to Church every other Monday and have our collective worship with Reverend David or Graham.  


On Tuesday we have PE and we hand in our reading journals.  These are a record of the books we read and enjoy.  They can be school books or our own books from home. Once a week we record an entry into this book choosing one of the activities as a theme.  An example might be ‘Make a cartoon strip showing part of the story’, ‘Write a quiz about your book for one of your friends to answer’ or ‘Choose a page from your book and record all the verbs and adjectives you can find’.   

Wednesday :

We have PE on this day.  


 We can visit the library and change our books.  We can have two books from the library a fiction book and a non-fiction book.  These are our reading for pleasure books.  


On Friday we have our spelling test and we work on our knowledge of our times tables. We have a speed tables test and we reflect on our week in our reflective journals. At the end of the day we get to listen to our Friday song and receive any Maths or English Homework.